Lisa Crispin
Company: Lisa Crispin Consulting
Stream: А
Time: 15:00 - 15:45
Country: United States
Language: English
Talk: A Holistic Approach to Testing in Continuous Delivery
About Speaker
Co-founder, with Janet Gregory, of the Agile Testing Fellowship, with our live training courses: "Holistic Testing: Strategies for agile teams" and "Holistic Testing for Continuous Delivery". Our courses are taught by excellent, hand-picked trainers around the world, remotely facilitated and in-person, in multiple languages.
I help teams and organizations identify and address their biggest challenges in testing and quality, as well as providing training. Please see https://lisacrispin.com for more details.
Test consultant with decades of experience on high-performing teams. Co-author with Janet Gregory, _Agile Testing Condensed_, _Agile Testing: A Practical Guide for Testers and Agile Teams_, _More Agile Testing: Learning Journeys for the Whole Team_, "Agile Testing Essentials" video course. Contributor to _Beautiful Testing_ and _Experiences in Test Automation_. Co-author of _Testing Extreme Programming_ Mission: Bringing testing joy to the agile and DevOps worlds, and agile/DevOps joy to the testing world.
Specialties: Holistic testing, finding good ways for teams to continuously deliver high quality software
Talk: A Holistic Approach to Testing in Continuous Delivery
It’s not uncommon for teams moving towards continuous delivery to face a growing backlog of customer-reported bugs. It’s a challenge to maintain the cadence of frequent deployments. If a team has testers, they’re often expected to continue to do all the testing activities, without any thought as to how those fit into continuous delivery (CD) or continuous deployment (also CD). Teams often struggle with insufficient automated test coverage. Testing specialists spend their time doing manual regression testing, and lack time for adequate exploratory testing. That opens doors for serious production issues!
In this session, Lisa shares her experiences with striving to deploy smaller changes more frequently. The challenges faced by her teams are common ones, and they came up with some useful experiments to move towards successful CD. Lisa will introduce some techniques to consider trying, including:
· Visualizing deployment pipelines to shorten feedback loops and fit in testing activities
· Using a test suite canvas to determine the minimum automate test
· Ways to analyze risks and determine next steps to mitigate them
· Ways testing specialists contribute to team success